Mission Statement

The Goshawk Society is a nonprofit corporation focused on research, education, and conservation issues related to raptors and their environment.

The catalyst for the formation of the Goshawk society was the intense interest of its founder, Mike Dupuy, over several decades on all things raptor. Dupuy observed that even though raptor research was born as a byproduct of the subculture of falconry, for example Heinz Meng and Tom Cade, it had become the domain of government institutions and academic institutions looking to identify a problem in order to satiate their insatiable need to “publish“ or chase down there next grant, rather than a genuine interest in the subjects of their work. So many times he found academic documents were the underpinning of future academic documents citing previous studies, but as far as the practical application of these studies they tended to gather dust rather than provide a roadmap to developing a conservation ethic and momentum to implementing resolutions to sometimes serious environmental problems.

Dupuy felt that by being a private citizen advocate one could motivate persons in political office to do the right thing.

Dupuy, began as a birder, became a hunter and finally settled into the art and sport of Falconry. By necessity, and because of his natural acumen, he became a businessman working his way up to one of the nation’s 50 largest firms selling computer systems. He then went on to establish his own company by the age of thirty, and delved into the world of politics where he lost several campaigns but learned a lot about himself and human nature, later he would use these skills and experiences to assist many people and organizations fight for their rights.

While doing the above Dupuy began public speaking engagements in the Washington DC area and soon became an in demand guest speaker, his subject being falconry and the raptors the it employs.
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